Tuesday, June 30, 2015

... und auf Wiedersehn!

|when sun comes out this morning,
|let it gives warm to your heart,
|knowing loves around you,
|and shares your happiness,
|many happy returns...

:udah nyampe mana nih, dear?
|allo wiffy, lagi di penang nih .. gimana cutie?
:cutie makin lucu, dari tadi ngoceh sendiri
|hmm.. aku kangen!
:kan ntar malem pulang, jadi kan?
|iya.. then musti pergi lagi yah
:gak apa-apa, we would be fine, my dear
|yap.. jangan bikin acara apa-apa besok yah
|aku ingin spending quality time denganmu, juga cutie,
|walo aku hanya punya 2 hari....
:i see trees of green,
:red roses too,
:i see 'em bloom,
:for me and for you,
:and i think to mysel,
:what a wonderful world,
:and i think to myself,
:what a wonderful world....

~ 31 mei 2007
Vielen Dank, Dann viel Erfolg und auf Wiedersehn, Baunach!

:what a wonderful world - louis armstrong

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