Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Humane Thinking - Introspection 2019

2019 is around the clock.
I would like to have a quick glance back of my own key takeaway this year.

How can one relate from above picture?
A giant elephant compared to the small dog, hard rain and an umbrella for the dog.  What is it there for the elephant and what does it feel to be the dog?

Picture paints thousand words.
Everyone has one own closure of the year.
I have never felt the urge to write down the most introspection like today, try to capture the biggest learning of the year - in the most appropriate wordings, as much as I can.  But I guess, writing it upright is the most sane.

I am not usually look out for respect.  It is not me at all. 
For you who know me long enough will understand what I mean.  But somehow this time, I learn my lesson.

One should have been selfish enough not to get hurt.
One should not be too kind to think of the "outer space".

Probably "respect" is not the right word.  It got spitted out unplanned when someone didn't even think how to appeal properly when she was the one expecting helping hands.   I remember my best friend said, "I am not thinking of respect, but more on how she will get the job done."

Moving forward, I will learn to improve myself.
This time round, I won't share any songs nor lyrics but more to pictures.  Guess they look better.

So here I have from my best friend, an alarm 😎

Welcome 2020 - time to move on, be a new someone.  So much that people will recognize the difference.

Good bye 2019!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Well done hna, welcome to reality